Part 2 of ‘Navigating Diagnosis to Recovery’ : The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Part 2 of ‘Navigating Diagnosis to Recovery’ : The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Welcome to Part 2 of our 5-part blog series, ‘Navigating Diagnosis to Recovery,’ featuring insights from Mrs. Jill McNeely, a retired breast nurse navigator with years of experience guiding patients through the challenges of breast cancer. In this blog, dive into the period between diagnosis and treatment, empowering you with knowledge on what to expect, how to prepare, and most importantly, how to take control during this overwhelming time. 

The waiting period between diagnosis and treatment can often feel like the most challenging part of your journey. This time can feel overwhelming and leave you uncertainty with what to do next. Jill’s advice in this episode gives encouraging guidance and practical steps on how to navigate this period with strength and clarity.

Here are some next steps to consider if you are newly diagnosed:

  1. Take a deep breath - You have time to make choices. It’s okay to take a moment to process everything.
  2. Limit your online research - While it’s important to be informed, avoid excessive searching. If a website or source doesn’t feel right, get out of it. Lean on your nurse navigator and breast care team for questions and support.
  3. Surround yourself with positive people - Whether you choose to share your diagnosis or not, having emotional support is vital. If you lack support, reach out to your nurse navigator, care team, or local support groups.
  4. Check your insurance coverage - Understanding what is covered can help alleviate some of the stress during this time.
  5. Fill out FMLA papers - Even if you think you won’t need them, it’s wise to have this paperwork ready for your employer.
  6. Don’t hesitate to get a second opinion - It’s perfectly okay to seek additional perspectives on your treatment options.
  7. Consider genetic counseling - If you feel it’s necessary, this can provide valuable insights for you and your family.
  8. Get fitted for a post-surgical bra - A proper fit can greatly enhance your comfort post-surgery. Visit a local mastectomy boutique to find the right bra and let them check your insurance for coverage options.
  9. Apply for financial assistance - There are programs available to help patients manage costs during treatment.
  10. Don’t give up what brings you joy - Remember, your diagnosis does not define you. Continue to engage in activities that make you happy.
  • If you are seeking online support groups, here are some that Jill recommends: 
  1. Living Beyond Breast Cancer
  2. Susan G. Komen
  3. Choose Hope
  4. American Cancer Society
  5. National Cancer Institute
  6. Johns Hopkins Breast Center
  7. CaringBridge – An excellent resource for updating loved ones on your treatment journey without needing to repeat your story multiple times.

  • If you are seeking financial assistance, here are some resources that you can learn more about: 
  1. Cancer Care Co-Payment Assistance Foundation
    Phone: 866-55-COPAY (26729)
  2. Susan G. Komen Financial Assistance Program
  3. Patient Advocate Foundation Co-Pay Relief Program
    Phone: 866-512-3861
  4. Patient Access Network Foundation
    Phone: 866-316-7263
  5. Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition (CFAC)
  6. Pay It Forward Fund (for women with breast cancer)

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It's important to note that while the series provides valuable insights and personal experiences, it is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Viewers are encouraged to consult their physicians or healthcare providers regarding any medical concerns.

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